Short Bio
Formal Education
2017: PhD in Mechanical Engineering (cum laude, international mention), University of Zaragoza
2014: MSc in Applied Mechanics, University of Zaragoza
2008: BSc and MSc in Telecommunications Engineering, Miguel Hernández University of Elche
Relevant Courses
2020: Deep Learning Specialization, Coursera
2011: Animal Experimentation Course (Category B Accreditation), Miguel Hernández University of Elche
2010: Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in Information Technology, University of Alicante
2009: Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude (CAP), Miguel Hernández University of Elche
2008: First year of BSc in Technical Engineering in Management Computing, University of Alicante
Professional Overview
2023–Present: Assistant Professor (PhD), University of Deusto
2020–2023: Data Scientist (Research Associate), University of Deusto Institute of Technology (DeustoTech)
2019–2020: Image Processing and Machine Learning Scientist, University of Zaragoza
2017–2018: Data Scientist, University of Technology of Compiègne
2012–2016: Machine Learning Scientist, University of Zaragoza & École Centrale Nantes
2010–2012: R&D Software Engineer and Machine Learning Scientist, Institute of Neurosciences of Alicante
2009: Research Software Engineer, Miguel Hernández University of Elche
2005: Junior Software Developer, Institute of Neurosciences of Alicante
Delivered over 640 hours of university teaching in English, Spanish, and French
Supervised 5 BSc theses and currently co-supervising 1 PhD thesis
Accredited as Assistant Professor ("Profesor Ayudante Doctor") by ANECA
Delivered 16.5 hours as a guest lecturer in the Specialization in Artificial Intelligence and DAEX programs at ISDI Business School
Published 16 research articles, conference papers, and book chapters in indexed journals
Awarded a competitive FPI fellowship (2012–2016) by the Spanish Ministry of Science to support my PhD research
Accredited 1 six-year research period by ANECA
Co-editing the Special Issue "Design and Applications of Positive Energy Districts" for MDPI